Apr 18, 2017 · By default, sudo needs that a user authenticates using a password before running a command. Some times you may need to run a command with root privileges, but you do not want to type a password using sudo command. This is useful for scripting or any other purpose. This can be achieved by editing /etc/sudoers file and setting up correct entries.

Sep 13, 2019 How to Run sudo Without Password - Linux Handbook Let’s see how to use sudo with no password. But first, back up the sudoer file as a precautionary measure: sudo cp /etc/sudoers ~/sudoers.bak Execute all sudo commands without password [not recommended] Use the following command to edit the /etc/sudoers file: sudo visudo. This will open the default text editor (Nano in Ubuntu) for editing Run Particular Commands Without Sudo Password In Linux Feb 14, 2019 bash - Repeat last command with "sudo" - Stack Overflow The sudo, executes the remaining (now printed out on the same command line), with elevated privileges, assuming password was entered correctly; This ultimately means that the command history -p !! effectively writes out the resolution rather than executing after the sudo. NOTE: The ' is significant.

SUDO_COMMAND Set to the command run by sudo. SUDO_EDITOR Default editor to use in -e (sudoedit) mode. SUDO_GID Set to the group ID of the user who invoked sudo. SUDO_PROMPT Used as the default password prompt unless the -p option was specified. SUDO_PS1 If set, PS1 will be set to its value for the program being run. SUDO_UID

Nov 10, 2019 A beginner's guide to understanding sudo on Ubuntu In that case, you may want to use the -s command line option of the sudo command. Here's how the sudo man page explains it:-s, --shell Run the shell specified by the SHELL environment variable if it is set or the shell specified by the invoking user's password database entry. If a command is specified, it is passed to the shell for execution How to run 'sudo' command in windows - Stack Overflow

Jun 18, 2019

How to use 'sudo' and 'Su' commands in Linux: An Dec 07, 2019 14.04 - Cannot run any sudo command - Ask Ubuntu Now, as the file is owned by root, you need root permissions to change its permissions. Usually, you would use sudo for this, but as it's broken, we have to use pkexec as replacement to repair it: pkexec chmod u+s,g-x /usr/bin/sudo Now everything should be fixed again. Try the e.g. following command to check: sudo echo "sudo works again! Yay! :D"